
VerrucaThe Keogh Practice provides both adults and children with Verruca removal services. Everybody can be affected by Verruca’s even children and people with a weak immune system are also a prime candidate for Verruca’s.

A Verruca is a wart, however when warts are located on the foot they are referred to as Verruca’s. Verruca’s are mostly found where the foot is exposed to pressure, common places on the foot are the ball of your foot. They can be very painful as there is constant pressure on them due to standing and walking on the pressure points.

Verruca’s Differ from Warts in Appearance

Warts are normally skin coloured and have a rough texture, they are located mostly on the hands and are shaped like a cauliflower.

While Verruca’s appear to be flat with thick skin and located mainly on the foot. They tend to have a hard edge around the center and can have black spots inside the wart. This is caused by the pressure caused by standing and walking on them.

You can be affected through direct contact and through public areas such as changing rooms and most common swimming pools. The Verruca can take months to develop on the body and can last for a number of years if untreated.

  • They are often persistent
  • No single treatment is guaranteed to eliminate
  • They can differ in size

Like Warts Verruca’s can be very persistent, while no one treatment can be guaranteed to be effective.

The Keogh Practice use a combination of

  • Paring,
  • Cryotherapy,
  • Slacylic acid
  • Occlusion

This combination gives best chance of early elimination of the Verruca’s.
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