Contraceptive Options

Contraceptive-optionsWe offer comprehensive family planning and sexual health advice.
There are a vast range of contraceptive options; we help you choose the one that’s right for you and your stage of life.
To help simplify things the options are grouped together and outlined below
Options range from

  • Emergency- Morning after pill,
  • Hormonal- oral pill, nuva ring, evra patch,
  • Implanon- “the bar”
  • intrauterine coil- Mirena or copper coil
  • depo injection
  • Male contraception- vasectomy- consider permenent irreversible


‘Morning after pill’ most effective within 72 hours of unprotected sex.


‘The pill’ often prescribed for its acne treatment benefits and period regulation as well as contraceptive effects. There is again a large range of choice here too, whether it’s a combined oestrogen and progesterone or progesterone only ,we can help select the one to suit you

  • The patch- EVRA patch- works very like the pill but in patch form, often chosen if patients tend to forget to take their pill occasionally
  • Nuva ring- Again working on the same hormone principal as the pill but the ring is inserted into the vagina, once inserted remains in place for 3 weeks. This is a great option if remembering the pill is hassle or problem for you.

Intra uterine

Mirena coilVery effective long term contraception, it is inserted into uterus and lasts 5years. Has become very popular in past few years as it is:

  • It is very effective,
  • Easy to insert,
  • Can be removed when every patient likes
  • Lasts 5 years
  • Excellent for heavy period control
  • Very low dose hormone acts locally on uterus-reduces side effects
  • Great choice if already have had a baby by normal delivery as this can make insertion easier

Cost of fitting?

  • Covered on GMS if you have medical card
  • Private fee €230 consultation and insertion
  • Cost of Mirena €132 from pharmacy (under drug repayment scheme)
  • Fitting/insertion?

Mirena coil is usually inserted in the first seven days of your next menstrual cycle. Insertion is usually uncomplicated, quick and relatively painless in women who have had vaginal deliveries.

What is it?
The Mirena coil is a small T-shaped plastic device which is coated with progesterone. Other coils are available E.G. copper but Mirena remains most popular

Is it for me?
The Mirena is easiest to insert if You have had a baby by normal delivery but it is also suitable if you have not had any pregnancies. Women who have had multiple caesarean sections may not be suitable for Mirena insertion.

How effective is it?
It is a very effective form of contraception,with a failure rate less than the pill and tubal ligation. (tubes tied) Fertility returns to normal immediately following removal.

Side effects
These will be discussed on the day but in general The Mirena coil has very few side effects. Initially there can be some irregular bleeding, in rare cases for up to 12 weeks following insertion. Side effects related to the hormone progesterone occur very infrequently and these include mood swings, breast enlargement and acne. These are usually temporary.

This is a quick and painless procedure under normal circumstances.
Removal cost €55

Copper coil

Much like the mirena coil the copper coil is Inserted into the uterus. The difference is that the copper coil contains no hormones at all. It is therefore dose not have the benefits or side-effects associated with the hormone component of mirena.

Advantages over mirena

  • No hormone
  • No Breast enlargement, mood changes or acne- while uncommon with mirena these are not at all associated with the copper coil.

Disadvantages over mirena

  • Less period control

Both copper and mirenahave benefits of

  • It is very effective,
  • Easy to insert,
  • Can be removed when every patient likes
  • Great choice if already have had a baby by normal delivery as this can make insertion easier
  • Long term – lasts 5 years

Copper coil insertion cost

  • Consultation and insertion €230
  • Copper coil €40
  • Removal €55

Implanon-‘The Bar’

Consists of a plastic rod shaped device inserted into the upper inner arm, containing hormone which is released slowly over 3 years

  • Extremely effective
  • One hormone only(progesterone)
  • Lasts 3 years
  • Easy to insert
  • Most people are suitable
  • Ideal if forgetting pill is an issue

  • Insertion of implanon – € 90
  • Cost of device – €132 to pharmacy (under drug repayment scheme)
  • Removal – €110

When should it be inserted?
Preferably day 1-5 of a period and it can be replaced after 3 years and new one inserted same time

How is the implant inserted?
It is inserted/injected under the skin into the inner aspect of the upper arm
The area is numbed with local anaesthetic and the procedure is similar to an injection

Are there any side effects?

As with any of the progesterone only contraceptives irregular bleeding may occur
This usually settles within 3-6 months
Other possible hormonal side effects include breast tenderness ,acne or mood changes
It does not affect weight or interfere with bone density

Male Contraception

Vasectomy is a surgical proceedure duering which the spermatic cords of the male are cut and sealed rendering him sterile -iincapable of impregnation. It is highly effective and verysuitable for those looking for permenent contraceptive solution when they have decided their family is complete

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